CUSE Newsletter, Volume 4, Issue 2

By nurturing these C.U.S.E. values, we empower our graduates to become not just technically proficient engineers, but also well-rounded individuals equipped to address the ever-evolving needs of our world.

These values, captured by the acronym C.U.S.E., are the cornerstones upon which we build exceptional engineering managers:

• Creativity (C): The ability to think outside the box and generate innovative solutions is paramount in tackling complex systems challenges. We encourage our students to cultivate their creative spark, fostering a culture of exploration and experimentation.

• Utility (U): At CUSE, we emphasize the practical application of knowledge. Our graduates are equipped to translate theoretical concepts into real-world solutions that deliver tangible benefits to the society and the world.

• Synergy (S): The strength of a system lies in the harmonious interaction of its parts. We instill in our students the importance of international collaboration, teamwork, and effective communication to achieve optimal outcomes.

• Ethics (E): As engineers entrusted with shaping the future, upholding ethical principles is crucial. We demand our students to do their utmost to adhere to ethical values in all they do, as a matter of policy.

CUSE Newsletter Volume 4 Issue 2-1

Click to download PDF version here CUSE Newsletter, Volume 4, Issue 2

Click to download PDF version here CUSE Newsletter, Volume 4, Issue 1

Click to download PDF version here CUSE Newsletter, Volume 3, Issue 2

Click to download PDF version here CUSE Newsletter, Volume 3, Issue 1

Click to download PDF version here CUSE Newsletter, Volume 2, Issue 2

Read the previous issue CUSE Newsletter, Volume 2, Issue 1

Read the previous issue CUSE Newsletter, Volume 1, Issue 1
