The M.Sc. graduates in Engineering Business Management
The programme is designed for those who want to become managers and leaders in technology-based businesses. It is suitable for those with work experience as well as those with little or no background in business.
We will provide you with a broad education in management and business with the appropriate tools and techniques so that you can improve internal and external operations as well as the processes and technologies used by engineering businesses. You will develop skills in the research, analysis and evaluation of complex business problems and gain a methodical approach to problem solving and decision making.
Once finishing the required coursework modules, candidates for the M.Eng. and M.Sc. awards must undertake an industrial-oriented project which must be reported in the form of a dissertation. For Engineering Business Management, the project can be related to the management of companies in a number of different industrial sectors and can address many different aspects of business management such as operational, financial, human resource, or strategic management issues.

Admission Process
- Period: 5 study days per module
- Study days: Saturday, Sunday, and then Friday, Saturday, Sunday of the following week.
- Study time: 8.30 am -17.45 pm
- Language: English
- Instructor: Expert from WMG
- Guest speakers: Share localised experiences
- Practical teaching and learning: Case studies, games and simulations
- No examination: evaluated by PMA
Academic Plan - EBM
Candidates for the M.Eng/M.Sc. awards must attend a minimum of 12 modules (equivalent to 24 credits) and undertake an industrial-oriented project which must be reported in the form of a dissertation.
Each module is usually conducted over a period of five days – Saturday, Sunday, and then Friday, Saturday, Sunday of the following week. It consists of 40-45 hours of intensive lectures, tutorials, seminar, case studies, or laboratory activities.
Degree Requirements
In order to qualify for graduation, a candidate must satisfy the assessment requirements of both Chulalongkorn and Warwick Universities:
- Complete 12 modules (or more, if necessary).
- Chulalongkorn University: Combined GPA of 3.00 and satisfactory dissertation.
- Warwick University: Satisfy PMA scores (at least 50%) in at least 9 modules and satisfy dissertation score (at least 50%).
- Comply with module requirements.
- The dissertation title must be in the domains of engineering processes or industrial operations or organization management
Module Requirements
Candidates must attend a minimum of 12 modules under the following conditions: – 11 Compulsory Modules (either in our Centre or overseas partner Centres)
- Fundamental of Engineering Business Management (FEBM: 1st module for everyone)
- Business Strategy and Strategic Management (BSSM)
- Logistics and Operations Management (LOM)
- Organisations, People and Performance (OPP)
- Project Planning, Management & Control (PPMC)
- Service Design and Delivery (SDD)
- Service Support Technologies (SST)
- Supply Chain Management (SCM)
- Financial Analysis & Control Systems (FACS)
- Transport Techniques and Management (TTM)
- Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
– 1 Elective Modules (choose from any of numerous WMG modules, either in our Centre or overseas partner Certres)