Online Zoom Meeting
CUSE Open House : Monday 26 April 2021,
14:00-15:00 pm
Meeting ID : 765 846 1960
Master of Engineering in Engineering Management (Chulalongkorn University) &
Master of Science in one of Three Options:
Engineering Business Management /
Supply Chain and Logistics Management /
Service Management and Design (University of Warwick)
Who should attend:
Bachelor degree graduates in all fields*, especially those in engineering, physical science, science-based professionals (including health science), economics and business administration
• Share the fun experience with current students and alumni
• See the perfected modular style of learning at work –
+ how it enhances your ability to focus your attention and develop new skills
+ how it makes for dynamic flexibility in learning from experienced industrial mentors
+ how it enables you to share newly-acquired knowledge with colleagues at work right away
+ how it boosts your information acquisition and research skills in the digital era
• Welcome address by CUSE Director
• Video presentation of CUSE and the dual international master’s degree programme
• Fireside chat featuring current students and alumni
• Q&A
Reserve your seat now with Google Form:
Contact: CUSE Tel. 02 218 6804 (Mr.Banlang)
* Students with non-science degrees are admissible to a single degree, namely M.Sc. (Warwick) degree
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