Corrected Covid Communique June 2021 Current Students

To gain the most from your studies we would encourage you to fully engage in on-line taught sessions and syndicate sessions in the same way that you would do in class.

To University of Warwick Students studying on a WMG Overseas MSc Programme

Covid Communique; June 2021

cuse wmg Covid news current students

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Dear Student,

We really appreciate your perseverance and effort in working online during Covid-19 restrictions. Thank you. Obviously online study requires a subtly different learning approach from face to face study. To gain the most from your studies we would encourage you to fully engage in on-line taught sessions and syndicate sessions in the same way that you would do in class.

WMG plan to return to face to face teaching in Thailand when national and international travel, vaccination and quarantine requirements allow and our University, Partner Institutions and staff are happy about staff student safety while travelling and in the class-room. We will review our teaching mode with our partners on a quarterly basis and give you two months notice of any planned changes.

We wish you all the best in your studies. Please contact your local centre or email WMG with any follow-up questions or concerns.
