The New Five-Year Integrated Programme
The New Five-year integrated Bachelor of Engineering / Dual Master of Science & Master of Engineering Degree Initiative
This exciting new option is open to all qualified fourth-year engineering students at prestigious engineering institutions in Thailand. The initiative enables students to complete their fourth-year bachelor degree courses at their respective institution while enrolling in study modules in the dual master’s degrees programme from Chulalongkorn and Warwick Universities at the same time.

Participating students
will thus be able to graduate with three bachelor/dual master’s degrees within five years.
In the first phase, only Chula students will be accepted first, and will be expanded to cover other institutions soon.
Qualified students
- All qualified fourth-year engineering students at prestigious engineering institutions in Thailand.
- Qualified students must have a minimum GPAX of 3.0 at the end of the third year of their bachelor degree programme in any engineering field.
- An IELTS score of not less than 6.5 or equivalent.
- For more details about this wonderful opportunity, please contact K. Banlang at 02 218 6804 and 086 560 9728.

Mr.Banlang Tapsen (BA)
Academic Coordinator
Tel: 02-2186804
Mobile: 064-983-4495